What Are The Types of Giving and Who Do I Give My Tithe To?
Updated: Nov 2, 2023
Tithing has a long history, dating back to the time of Abraham. It involves giving a tenth of your income to support the church and its work. But what if you're not part of a church? Let's delve into the meaning of tithing, find out who you can give to if you're not attending church, and explore the different types of tithes and offerings you've probably never heard of, straight from the Bible! Along with some frequently asked tithing questions at the end, like "how much tithing do I pay on social security" and "Do I have to tithe to my church?"
Understanding the Purpose of Tithing
Tithing, deeply rooted in the old testament biblical teachings, represents a spiritual commitment to contribute one tenth of your income to the "Church." While the church is typically the primary recipient, the essence of tithing embodies the values of selflessness, compassion, and faithful stewardship that resonate throughout the Christian faith.
Are Christians Required to Tithe?
I'll break this down into two sections, tithing in the old testament and tithing in the new testament. This way we can clearly see the difference between the two.
Tithing in the Old Testament
Tithing was first introduced in the old testament back when Abraham came into the picture. Abraham offered a tenth of his spoils of war to Melchizedek as an act of honoring God (Gen. 14:20). Similarly, Jacob, after encountering God at Bethel, committed to giving a tenth of his blessings to the Lord (Gen. 28:22).
The Israelites had a custom of dedicating a tenth of their produce and flocks to the Lord (Lev. 27:30–32; Deut. 14:22–24). They also contributed a tenth to support the Levites (Num. 18:21–24), showcasing a cycle of giving within their community.
The concept of blessings for those who faithfully tithed and very real curses for those who did not adhere to this practice is highlighted in the teachings of Malachi (Mal. 3:8–10). Tithing was viewed as an act of trust and faith in God and a commitment to the welfare of the community.
How much are we supposed to tithe?
Looking at the scriptures just referenced, we can see that Abraham, Jacob, and most of the faithful Israelites were giving 10 percent. The Hebrew word for tithe is "ma'aser," which actually means "a tenth part" or "a tenth. Considering this, we can conclude that to tithe, is to give 10 percent of our income.
It's clear that according to the old testament that we are supposed to tithe 10 percent if we want to be obedient to God. But are we still supposed to tithe considering all that Jesus did for us and what we can see in the new testament? Let's keep digging.
Tithing in the New Testament
In the New Testament, Jesus redefines tithing, urging his followers to give with generosity and sincerity (Matthew 23:23). Emphasizing that all belongs to God, he underscores the importance of faithful stewardship (1 Corinthians 10:26).
Additionally, the New Testament prioritizes gratitude over materialism, highlighting the fulfillment found in a profound relationship with God (1 Timothy 6:17). This perspective encourages believers to focus on spiritual abundance rather than material wealth.
Drawing from the connection between Jesus and Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:1-3), the New Testament portrays Jesus as the eternal High Priest, inviting believers to express their faith and commitment through giving to Him.
Finally, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 emphasizes purposeful and cheerful giving, emphasizing that God loves a joyful giver. This passage underscores the significance of giving with intentionality, highlighting the importance of cultivating a generous and joyful spirit in the act of contributing to the work of God.
Do We Need to Tithe in the New Testament?
The New Testament redefines the concept of tithing, highlighting the significance of giving with a generous and joyful heart, rather than as a strict obligation. While acknowledging the practice of tithing, the emphasis is on giving willingly and cheerfully, reflecting a spirit of gratitude and devotion to God (2 Corinthians 9:7). The scriptures emphasize the importance of generosity that stems from a genuine and heartfelt relationship with God, allowing giving to flow from a place of faith and love rather than a sense of compulsion (Romans 12:8).
12 Types of Giving in the Bible
There are four types of giving in the Bible, Tithes, Offerings, Alms, and First Fruits. However, most people have probably never heard of the different types of giving and that God promises blessing or a return when you do them. Not that we give to get, the point is to have faith in God, love Him, and love your neighbors as yourself.
When we do this and have a close relationship with God, we will manifest the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and automatically give because of the One living within you. It doesn't matter if we get anything in return. Jesus has already done so much for us.
For informational purposes only, here is a list of the different types of tithes and giving in the bible and God's promise with them.
Tithes (Malachi 3:10): Giving a tenth of your income to the church since Abraham, inviting God's blessings for obedience, and the promise of God rebuking the devourer. (Malachi 3:11)
Offering (2 Corinthians 9:7): Voluntary contributions in the New Testament, reflecting love and gratitude for God and His work. "God loves a cheerful giver".
Alms (Matthew 6:2-3): Giving to the poor and needy, showcasing acts of charity and compassion. "Give, and it will be given to you." (Luke 6:38)
First Fruits (Proverbs 3:9-10): Offering the first portion of the harvest to God, expressing gratitude and acknowledging His provision, inviting abundance and prosperity.
Sacrificial Giving (Mark 12:41-44): Giving sacrificially, demonstrating faith and trust in God's provision, knowing He will take care of you. "God is pleased." (Hebrews 13:16)
Cheerful Giving (2 Corinthians 9:6-7): Giving joyfully and with a glad heart, representing an act of worship and gratitude. "God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)
Obedience Giving (Deuteronomy 15:10): Giving in obedience to God's commands, showcasing faith and trust in His promises, inviting His blessings in all endeavors.
Faith Giving (Hebrews 11:6): Giving based on trust in God's provision and promises, demonstrating unwavering faith. "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." (2 Corinthians 9:6)
Hospitality (Hebrews 13:2): Welcoming and caring for strangers and guests, displaying kindness and generosity. "...to the extent that you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of Mine, you did it for Me." (Matthew 25:35-40)
Forgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15): Letting go of resentment towards others, showcasing mercy and grace. When you forgives, God will forgive you.
Time (1 Peter 4:10-11): Giving one's time and talents to serve others, displaying love and generosity. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9)
Praise and Worship (Psalm 100:4-5): Giving glory and honor to God through worship, expressing gratitude and love, inviting His presence.
How to Tithe if You Don't Belong to a Church
There are several ways to give an offering (tithes) to the Lord if you don't attend church. Explore these 5 ways to give if you don't go to church.
5 Ways to Tithe When You’re Between Churches
1. Give to your previous church. This can be a good option if you moved and just can't go in person anymore. Many churches offer online services and have a place on their website you can give to.
2. Give to a Church near you. Again, most churches have a giving option online, so you can find a local church to give to even if you don't attend.
3. Give to a network of churches. There are networks of churches like us, One Way Ministries International (OWMI) that you can give to the head organization and they distribute to the churches most in need.
4. Give to a missionary organization. There are many missionary organizations like YWAM, CRU, and our very own OWMI, that does mission work to help fulfill the great commission in the unreached areas of the world.
5. Disperse your tithe between organizations. Another option is to give to several organizations. You can give alms to an organization like Compassion International, tithes (Not required) to a network of churches, first fruits to a missionary organization, and offerings to a local church.
If you are looking for a good organization to give to online, we are a perfect fit! We are looking for giving partners to help us train and fund the poor in unreached areas like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka so they can reach people that have never heard the name of Jesus. These local missionaries plant underground churches and train them to keep reproducing and multiplying themselves.
We have planted about 5,000 underground churches in some of the most isolated and persecuted areas in the world. Help us reach our next milestone of 10,000!
Frequently Asked Tithing Questions
Can I Split My Tithes Between Two Churches?
Yes, God does not require us to give to only one church. In fact if we look at the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus emphasizes the importance of faithful stewardship and the wise investment of resources entrusted by God. It encourages believers to use their resources wisely and to prioritize contributing to the advancement of God's kingdom.
Is it Okay to Split Tithe Between Church and Charities?
Yes. As we can see with the previous scripture in Matthew 25:14-30, it's wise to steward your money and talents as efficient as possible. In addition, we see that one type of giving is Alms (Matthew 6:2-3), so giving to a charity and a church would be biblical and considered a wise choice.
Do I Have to Tithe?
According to the Old testament, yes. However, we are no longer under that same law since Jesus fulfilled it. Many people including myself still do tithe 10 percent, but according to the New testament we are supposed to give with a cheerful heart (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Do I Have to Tithe 10 Percent?
According to the Old Testament the answer is yes. The Hebrew word for tithe is "ma'aser," which actually means "a tenth part" or "a tenth. Considering this, we can conclude that we to tithe is to give 10 percent of our income. However, according to 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each one must do just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
Do I Have to Give all my Tithe to the Local Church?
According to 2 Corinthians 9:7, you do not have to give under compulsion, so you can give to whomever you want according to your own heart. Most people think they have to give to only one church or the church that they attend. God loves a cheerful giver. If you cheerfully want to give to another organization, God will most certainly love this.
How Much Tithing do I Pay on Social Security?
Tithing is 10 percent, but according to 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each one must do just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." If you cheerfully want to give 10, 20, or only 5%, God will be pleased.
Do I Send my Tithe to the Church or Put it in Offerings?
Most churches have offering buckets or trays that they pass around at church or have a way you can give online. Some churches have a phone number you can text to give or even use a QR code. Here is an example of how we accept giving online.
What do I do With My Tithe Money if I don't Belong to a Church?
As discussed above there are several ways to tithe if you are between churches or don't go to a church. You can give to a network of churches like OWMI, that you can give to the head organization and they distribute to the churches most in need.
How to Tithe When You are Broke?
Sometimes it's hard to step out in faith when you are broke or low on funds. It's important to remember that God sees the heart behind our giving. In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus observes a poor widow who, despite her poverty, gives two small coins, all that she had, and Jesus commends her over the rich people since she gave more than them in regards to their net worth. God loves a cheerful giver. Give what you can with a good heart, no matter how small it is.
Luke 6:38 means that your actions and intentions will determine the consequences you experience, both in this life and in the afterlife, but only if your heart is genuine. Your investment of time, money, resources, deeds, and spoken words in virtuous endeavors will not go unnoticed. While the rewards might manifest themselves during your earthly existence, they are certain to materialize in the realm of heaven. If you are kind, people will be kind back. If you forgive, you will be forgiven. If you give, you will be given to...