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End Times Harvest

Writer's picture: One Way TeamOne Way Team

Updated: Jan 3, 2022

reap a harvest

How do you have the best end times harvest? That depends on what you are doing. Are you following the leading of the Holy Spirit and what you see in the Bible or are you just doing what you see other people doing? I have found that I don't produce the best fruit when I strive after what I think is the best way or what other people are doing.

We are all individual people that are part of the body of Christ. We each have our place do do different works. If you are confused or aren't seeing good fruit, then I suggest looking through the Bible and asking the Holy Spirit to direct you towards the best way.

You may be thinking that Jesus and the early disciples didn't have TV or the internet, so you must do things differently. This is a good thought, but I am sure Jesus would be doing the same things back then if they had Facebook and TikTok. The only difference is He would be reaching a lot more people and reap a harvest.

Many believed they were living in the end times even when the apostles were still alive. We are certainly closer now. Whether Jesus comes back tomorrow or in another 500 years, we must live our life like He will come back today (Matthew 24:36-44). We are all called to be disciples and fulfill the great commandment, which is to ...“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’'(Matthew 22:37-39)

If we follow His commandments and are His disciples then we will automatically be fruitful, because the Holy Spirit lives in us. God is the one that brings the fruit, not us. This is clearly stated in John 15:5, which says "I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."

As a disciple or follower of anyone, we are to learn what our teacher says. If you are a disciple of Jesus, you should follow what Jesus did and what He taught the early disciples. You can find what the disciples did all throughout the new testament. They had a fruitful end times harvest and so can you.

Jesus chose the least likely people to follow Him. You don't have to be the best to make a huge impact. Why? Because the one that brings the fruit is living in you. All you have to do is submit to God and resist the enemy. The fruit will come.

Our mission statement sums up what Jesus taught the disciples to do. Our mission statement is: Showing the light of Jesus by working with the body of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to heal the sick, set the captives free, make disciples, preach the gospel and help fulfill the great commission (Matthew 10:7-8; 28:19-20).

By doing the things that Jesus taught us to do, we automatically see a great harvest. This is not because we are special, have great charisma, or any other reason. It is because we see what the disciples did and we follow their pattern and then God brings the fruit. We see them taking authority over sickness and disease while preaching and demonstrating the gospel. We see them planting house churches, baptizing, and making disciples.

The Bible is the inspired word of God. We can know the heart of God by reading it and doing what we read. It is one thing to read it, but a completely different thing when you do it and experience it. Take a look at this short video of when we demonstrated the gospel in Bangladesh. We started with about 15 or 20 people and ended with about 300. Many of them healed and delivered. Almost 300 Muslims and Hindus gave their lives to Christ this day.

If you want to see fruit like this, read what Jesus and the disciples did and you will see the same thing! We started with one church and have grown to 2,000+ in just a few years. Many of our members are doing the same thing as you see above. Follow God and do as He says and you will see a great end times harvest!

One of the ways we are taking advantage of the current times is by using Zoom. We are able to have meetings with people all over the world without having to leave our homes. We have the opportunity to reach so many more people and without having to risk our lives. There are many platforms you can use to teach, preach, and demonstrate the gospel. All it takes is one leap of faith and some determination and you will reap a harvest.

Contact us here if you would like to be trained or want to partner with us!

What is you best end times harvest method? Leave a comment below to let us all know.

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