Deliverance Prayer

Deliverance is the act of getting rid of a demon. I won't get into it here, but anyone can have a demon. Many people say you can't have a demon if you are a Christian. This simply isn't true. I have seen way too many real Christians that have said the prayer of salvation, been baptized, read their bible, pray regularly, have a relationship with Jesus, lead in church, and still manifest a demon.
If done in faith, these prayers and commands will get rid of the demons you have. You can do it on yourself as self deliverance or have someone else do the commanding. If you have someone else do it, you will still have to do the repenting portion.
Before you say any deliverance prayer, say the salvation prayer and the forgiveness prayer. Do it even if you think they don't apply. Some people may think they have confessed the name of Jesus and actually gave their life to Him, but have just been going through the motions. Once they actually say the salvation prayer they immediately feel a peace they have never had before. The same goes for the forgiveness prayer. I have seen it many times.
Warning! Deliverance prayers can actually harm you if you do not understand how the process works and don't follow through with it. I have seen some pretty crazy things, so this warning is not only biblical, but comes with experience. So please don't just skip the training portion.
Quick Deliverance Training
If you truly want deliverance you have to truly repent, submit to God and resist the devil. This means not believing and all lies and manipulative truths that you hear inside your head. James 4:7 says, “Submit therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” This means that you actually have to put your trust in God and fight the thoughts and feelings you have and not believe they are your own.
After you get deliverance you need to change your life and fill your mind, body, and soul with the things of God. You should be reading your bible as much as you can, watching testimonies, fellowshipping with likeminded believers, listening to Christian music, etc.
You will have to be careful what you watch, who you hang around with, and what you listen to. If you sow into ungodly things you will reap ungodly things. These things influence you and make you weaker. These things make it harder to submit to God and resist the enemy.
Here is a list of things people generally struggle with that would makes them weak against submitting to God and resisting the devil.
Ungodly music
Ungodly movies, TV, videos, etc.
Sex before marriage, porn, homosexuality, lust, etc.
Getting drunk or using drugs
Excessive video games, sports, TV, etc.
Addictions of any kind
Anything else that pulls you away from constantly seeking a better relationship with God
Note: I am not teaching legalism. We are not perfect and will sin over and over. Our goal is to try to get better. That's what true repentance is, turning from sin and making a strong effort not to do it again. The things I have listed above will make you weak as a Christian and can cause the demons to come back and cause even more damage. You can do anything you want, but it all might not be beneficial for you or your family (1 Corinthians 10:23).
You will also need to have faith that God will deliver you. You obviously have faith otherwise you wouldn't have visited this page. From my experience, this is enough faith to cast a demon out. One helpful tip that some people don't know is you have to have faith it actually worked and that you will stay delivered.
You already have enough faith, you just need to know that the demons will lie to you and tell you "it didn't work", or you "have too much sin", or "you sinned again, so they have come back". The demons will lie to you in order for you to partner with them. Once you partner with them and believe their lies, it's easier for them to come back. My solution for you: don't believe anything that won't benefit you spiritually. Partner that with faith and you will be just fine.
Tip Before you Begin
Go humble yourself before God and get right with Him.
Recognize that He is the creator of all things and it is only by His power that you are about to get set free.
Recognize that God already gave you the faith for this to happen.
Thank Him for what He is about to do.
Expect a miracle to happen even if you don't "feel" anything.
After you say the prayer you can rejoice as if it has been done regardless of your feelings. Faith doesn't need to see or feel anything.
Start by saying the salvation prayer and the forgiveness prayer first.
Deliverance Prayers
Many times God chooses not to answer our prayers unless we have given our life to Him. Once you do, we will partner our faith with you for your deliverance. Matthew 18:19 says"...if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven."
Salvation Prayer
God, I believe you exist. I believe You sent your Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. I believe He died for me and that He rose from the grave and still lives today.
I believe in You and choose to serve You. Baptize me in your Holy Spirit. Please forgive me of my sins and lead me to where You want me to go.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Forgiveness Prayer
God I choose to forgive everyone that has ever hurt me or my family. (be specific if you have the slightest amount of bitterness towards someone.) Please forgive me for any unforgiveness I had towards them. (Make sure you mean this and actually forgive) I know that if I don't forgive others, my own sins won't be forgiven, so I choose to forgive them (Matthew 6:15).
Suicide Prayer
God please forgive me for wanting to kill myself. You said that even if I am angry with my brother I will be subject to judgment. (Matthew 5:22) I realize that would be murder and I am guilty. Please forgive me for listening and partnering with all the lies of the enemy. I am not worthless, stupid, a failure, _________ (fill in the blank).
I submit to you and reject all power the enemy had over me. I give my life to you and fully put my trust in you.
I command all enemies of Christ to leave me and my family now in the name of Jesus!
God please give me the faith to resist all thoughts and feelings of suicide, depression, and hopelessness.
Note: If you are feeling suicidal go check out the how to die painlessly page to see testimonies of suicide survivors (videos at the end).
Fear Prayer
God please forgive me for having fear. I realize it is the opposite of having faith that you will take care of me. Forgive me for fearing ________ (fill in the blank). Please forgive me for listening and partnering with all the lies of the enemy. Even if all the things I feared actually happen, I know that You are with me and I put my trust in You.
I submit to you and reject all power the enemy had over me. I give my life to you and fully put my trust in you.
I command all enemies of Christ to leave me and my family now in the name of Jesus!
Anxiety Prayer
God please forgive me for having anxiety. I realize it is the opposite of having faith that you will take care of me. Forgive me for fearing and being anxious of ________ (fill in the blank). Please forgive me for listening and partnering with all the lies of the enemy. Even if all the things I feared actually happen, I know that You are with me and I put my trust in You.
I submit to you and reject all power the enemy had over me. I give my life to you and fully put my trust in you.
I command all enemies of Christ to leave me and my family now in the name of Jesus!
Soul Tie Prayer
God please forgive me for having sex and doing sexual acts before marriage (Hebrews 13:4). I realize that doing this makes me one with the person I had relations with and can be afflicted by the demons from them. I also repent for looking at pornography, lust, and every other sinful sexual thought or act I have done. God please forgive me.
I now cut every soul tie that I am connected with ________ (name the people you were intimate with). I cut these ungodly soul ties right now in the name of Jesus.
I command all enemies of Christ to leave me now in the name of Jesus!
Renounce Occult Prayer
God please forgive me for taking part in the occult and doing ________ (fill in the blank). I realize that this is wrong and I will try my best to not do it again. Please forgive me for listening to the lies of the enemy and partnering with them. I renounce all ties with the occult and break that partnership now in the name of Jesus!
I command all enemies of Christ to leave me now in the name of Jesus!
Any Other Issue
God please forgive me for ________ (fill in the blank). I realize that this sin is wrong and I will try my best to not do it again. Please forgive me for listening to the lies of the enemy and partnering with them. I break that partnership now in the name of Jesus!
I command all enemies of Christ to leave me now in the name of Jesus!
Please share this page with anyone that may need deliverance.
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